It's summertime, so join us for Dinner and a Diva on Tuesday, July 18, to hear Capitol City Opera Company cast members bring you their rendition of the ever popular George Gershwin hit "Summertime", as well as other favorites from Porgy and Bess.
It was Gershwin himself who referred to Porgy and Bess a folk opera. Explaining his reasoning, he was quoted in a Nov. 2, 1935 edition of “The New York Times” as saying: "Porgy and Bess is a folk tale. Its people naturally would sing folk music. When I first began work in the music I decided against the use of original folk material because I wanted the music to be all of one piece. Therefore I wrote my own spirituals and folksongs. But they are still folk music – and therefore, being in operatic form, Porgy and Bess becomes a folk opera."
This month's cast members are: Jayme Alilaw, soprano; Sean Savage, tenor; and Jadrian Tarver, baritone; accompanied by pianist and Capitol City Opera music director Catherine Giel. You'll be treated to the best of Gershwin's folk opera between three wonderful courses of our famous food, paired with wine.
The dinner includes hors d’ oeuvres, salad, choice of two entrees, dessert, coffee/tea, and two glasses of wine, for only $60 per person (tax included; gratuity separate). The performers from the Capitol City Opera Company sing between each course. The evening begins at 6:15 p.m. with a cash bar and hors d’oeuvres reception; dinner and performance start promptly at 7 p.m.
Appetizers/tapas and a cash bar begin at 6:30 p.m. The program begins in the dining room at 7 p.m. Reservations are required. Please call 404 634-6268.