The Boar’s Head Feast is the annual holiday show featuring The Capitol City Opera Madrigal Singers, an a capella vocal ensemble which specializes in secular and sacred music spanning the centuries. Attendees enjoy a four-course meal fit for a French royal of the Renaissance age and see our Madrigal Singers perform Christmas carols, holidays hits, other lively tunes, in period costume! Your dinner will include hors d’ oeuvres, fresh salad, choice of two gourmet entrees, decadent dessert, coffee/tea, and two glasses of wine, all for only $75 per person (plus taxes and fees). Hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar open at 6:15 p.m., and the dinner and show start promptly at 7:00 p.m. Shows run on Monday, December 16th, Tuesday December 17th, and Thursday, December 19th. Reservations are available now!